Get Free In-Person Training/Coaching from John!
Due to a recent agreement with our sponsors, we’re now able to offer FREE training to Dobermans who are local to our offices! Yes, completely free.
If you live in Sonoma County, Napa County, Solano County, Marin County, Contra Costa County, or the neighboring areas in California and own a Doberman (or are in the process of getting one), then we’d love to hear from you!

A special thanks to Ollie and their fresh human-grade dog food for making this amazing offer possible!
See what Ollie has to offer here (affiliate link).
Doberman Planet is looking for some local Dobermans to feature on the Doberman Planet YouTube channel! John will come out to you, train your dog in person for free, and showcase their story to the Doberman Planet audience! It’s completely up to you if you want to be featured in the video or not.
No problems with your Doberman? Let us teach him a new command or trick!
John will come to you and film various training concepts with your dog with the goal of publishing it on the Doberman Planet YouTube channel and helping other owners everywhere! Occasionally, some of our guests also record various video clips of their journey and send them to us (such as video clips of their dog’s progress after we leave) so we can create a more complete video, but this is not required.
This is an amazing opportunity to do something different, get free training from a Doberman specialist, and help other Doberman owners in the process!
For those who are ok appearing on camera, there’s also the possibility of occasional sponsorship opportunities (that may involve compensation for you) where you’ll test new dog products and services with your Doberman and report back about your experience! These are always optional.
We’re Looking for Dobermans (and Their Owners) Who Are:
- Local to us (this is important – must be within a 2-3 hour drive of Santa Rosa, CA).
- Live in a unique situation, have a unique story to tell, or who might just benefit from some free help!
- Willing to show their dog and possibly their life candidly to our viewers.
- Excited to help us share insight into this amazing breed!
You’ll work closely with John Walter of Doberman Planet to produce a wonderfully insightful video helpful to Doberman owners everywhere!
What You’ll Get
We’re looking for individuals who are excited about the Doberman breed and eager to share what it’s like owning and training a Doberman with the world. All while getting some free help, advice, and training along the way!
You (or just your dog) will receive exposure to a large audience and FREE coaching/training directly from John. He may train your dog, coach you on Doberman ownership, or provide other help you may need or want! Occasionally, you may even be offered compensation, such as if you decide you’d like to test a dog product or service for one of our sponsors, for example!
In exchange, we’ll get some great content to publish on our channel that’ll help Doberman owners all over the world! It’s a win-win!
Submit Your Interest
If you live within the Bay Area of California and are interested in this great opportunity, then please submit your interest by clicking the button below and filling out an interest card! While we can’t accept everyone who submits interest, we’ll certainly help as many people as we can! If you have any questions, please submit them to [email protected].
Why are you doing this for free?
Thanks to one of our amazing sponsors, Ollie, we’re now able to offer this service for free! John’s mission has always been to give back to the breed and thanks to Ollie and John’s vision of helping Dobermans and their owners, we can now do this at no cost to you! Offering free Doberman-specific training to local owners while filming the process to help even more people worldwide, is a GREAT way to give back to the Doberman community!
Will you be able to accept everyone who meets the requirements?
Unfortunately not. We will only be able to help a select few people who submit their interest so if this is something you feel that you or your dog would benefit from, make sure to submit your interest as soon as possible! There’s no guarantee that we’ll be able to select your specific dog for this opportunity as our choices will be dependent on many factors such as our availability, if the training you need fits our plan for our channel, your location and availability, and many other factors. We reserve the right to subjectively choose the dogs and guests who we believe will be the best fit for our brand.
What type of training will you do?
This can vary widely depending on what you need and your situation! Sometimes we simply come to you to tell your unique or interesting story with your Doberman. Other times we may come out to teach your Doberman something new that you’ve always wanted them to be able to do (i.e. bark on command, go to their bed on command, improve their recall, etc). Other times we may help you correct a significant behavior issue you’re having. Want a Doberman puppy but don’t have one yet? Maybe John can coach you and help you in the process of finding and picking a puppy! We love challenges! Submit your interest and let’s talk!
What would I need to do?
Just submit your interest by clicking on the blue button on this page. You and your dog (or just your dog) might be the featured guests in an episode on our YouTube channel! We’ll chat with you on a Zoom call to discuss the project, come out to you at a time convenient for you, and film the most helpful and interesting video possible for our viewers. Usually, we’re either telling your story, your dog’s story, or demonstrating a training concept. Sometimes we’ll ask if you can send a few video clips in of your dog on top of what we film, but we’ll communicate every step of the way and if we ask for something you can’t deliver, just let us know! We’re flexible!
Do I need to edit the footage?
Not at all! Doberman Planet uses its own video editors. We may occasionally ask you to submit video clips to us of your dog doing something when we’re not present, but we’ll discuss it with you.
Do I have to say anything in these videos?
You never HAVE to appear on camera if you don’t want to. We’re happy to just work with your dog. Most projects are done “on the fly” while we record in person and if you are ok appearing in the segment, all you need to do is be yourself! But it may vary depending on the project. You’ll be in contact with John about the project so you can ask questions anytime!
How many episodes will my dog appear in?
We’d like to feature you in just one episode! Occasionally, we may reach out and invite you or your dog back, but it’s ALWAYS subject to your availability. This should be FUN and not a headache! We may also occasionally discuss your story or show clips from your story in future episodes.
I don’t know anything about recording high-end video, is that ok?
We will handle all the filming since we’ll be coming to you! We may occasionally ask for video clips sent in showing your dog doing something when we’re not around, but even a typical cell phone can record this perfectly fine.
I want to do it! What are the next steps?
Simply submit an interest card by clicking on the blue button below. It’ll take you to a basic form that will allow us to get to know you and your Doberman a little bit better!
Thank you to our sponsors who made this possible!
See all the opportunities at Doberman Planet here: Jobs, Contract Positions, and Guest Appearance Opportunities.