Submit Your Dog to be Featured on Doberman Planet!

THIS is why I absolutely LOVE Doberman owners! I can’t thank you enough for loaning me your amazing dogs for my website and YouTube channel!

Click the button below to contribute your dog’s photos or videos:

Clicking the button above will lead you to my Google Forms page which will allow you to upload any videos you’d like to share with the Doberman Planet audience. It does require a Google login to access this page⁠—this is something Google requires in order to upload files.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you ASAP! Thank you so much!

John Walter

These are just a few of the dogs that have been featured on the Doberman Planet YouTube channel from the videos you’ve sent in!

The Doberman and Cat Duo

See the Doberman Planet YouTube channel here.

A special thanks to all those who have submitted videos of their dogs to be featured on the Doberman Planet YouTube channel!